Las notificaciones electrónicas en la jurisprudencia, por @nuevadmon y @diegogomabogado
¿Qué es un dato de carácter personal? de Melián Abogados
¿Puede un competidor vigilar la ejecución de un contrato que no se le adjudicó? — Esteban Umerez
TextExpander via MacSparky
MacSparky and Shortcuts for Mac
MacSparky and Shortcuts for Mac
Trying Markdown from Mars Edit
New post from the web editor. The one before did not show up in Twitter, let’s see if this one does.
Update (2021-12-07): Great, it worked seamlessly. Both posts showed up in Twitter, so I think I found my workflow. Long form legal posts will go to at Squarespace, and short legal and productivity/geek posts will go to at
Trying out Mars Edit
I want to use Mars Edit because I like desktop apps and they help me get my stuff done, but my blog is hosted in Squarespace and they don’t work together. Migrating my blog to some other place seems like too much work, something I may think about if I get a few days' vacation during Christmas.
Update (2021-12-06): I just connected Mars Edit to my microblog and I am editing this post right away.
I’m still trying to figure out what to do. I write in Spanish about the law in, but I want a place to write short texts to register my tips. Everything becomes a big project, though, why can’t I just write and see where this takes me to.
¿Puede un competidor vigilar la ejecución de un contrato que no se le adjudicó?
I intend to write about the tricks and hacks I use to have my computer help me do the work.
Great chance to write in English.
Hello, micro world.