Posting a picture after uploading it using @jarrod’s uploader and AI alt text shortcuts. #eng

A grayscale sketch of a figure with floral elements, possibly a person with flowers, depicted in a loose, impressionistic style on a textured background.
Spanish: Un esbozo en escala de grises de una figura con elementos florales, posiblemente una persona con flores, representado en un estilo impresionista suelto sobre un fondo texturizado.
Basque: Lore-elementuekin marrazki grisezko bat, agian loreekin pertsona bat, estilo impresionista laxoan irudikatuta, texturadun atzealde batean.

US Supreme Court reconsiders longstanding doctrine on agency power - Financial Times

🚀 US Supreme Court reconsiders longstanding doctrine on agency power Liberal justices argued that agencies’ experts, rather than judges, were often best placed to craft rules. Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson warned that striking out Chevron could turn judges into policymakers. “There’s a real separation of powers danger here,” she said. “I’m worried about the courts becoming uber-legislators.” If the Chevron doctrine were overturned, rules “are much more likely to be invalidated by a court, and so the agency will have to be much more careful about which options to choose and how it selects between various possibilities”, said Jonathan Masur, professor at the University of Chicago’s Law School.

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The Good Ones


If a human does it – Manu

🚀 If a human does it – Manu Except that if fucking Disney were to “just take inspiration” and steal designs from smaller artists we’d all be enraged, and for good reasons. So please, cut the bullshit. Train your goddamn AI on whatever you want, steal all the content, but at least be honest and feel some shame. What can I say, I usually like everything Manuel writes. This is the case, too.

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I believe that requesting ChatGPT to “rewrite it in proper English” is proving to be an instructive experience for me, albeit frustrating. I should be capable of improving my writing skills on my own.

This is the original text I wrote: I think asking ChatGPT to “rewrite in proper English” is teaching me a lot. It sucks, too. I should be able to write better myself.

True Detective, Night Country

I really enjoyed True Detective’s comeback, episode 1 of season 4, dubbed “Night Country”. Main characters are Liz Danvers, police chief, played by Jodie Foster, and Evangeline ‘Gi’ Navarro, Trooper, played by Kali Reis. They both play really interesting rols, strong confident women. I think Peter Prior, a police rookie, played by Finn Bennett, is going to be a good one, too. And above all, the great Fiona Shaw is a great addition to the drama.

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Today I have not advanced one inch towards this week’s deadlines, I have taken upon myself three new commitments and I still have 30 emails to answer. Something needs to change.

Ni ez naiz hemengoa™. Ez dut hemengo™ pentsamendu bakarra jasaten. Eta malenkonia baino ez dakarten bestelako alperrikako gogoetak.

I’m a LaunchBar guy. I tried Alfred for a while. I even used it alongside Launchbar for a few months. Now the winds from the sea bring me songs filled with praises for Raycast. And I may try it some day, yet I know I’m a helpless LaunchBar guy.

Así que, Sancho, por lo que yo quiero a Dulcinea del Toboso, tanto vale como la más alta princesa de la tierra. Sí, que no todos los poetas que alaban damas, debajo de un nombre que ellos a su albedrío les ponen, es verdad que las tienen. ¿Piensas tú que las Amariles, las Filis, las Silvias, las Dianas, las Galateas, las Alidas y otras tales de que los libros, los romances, las tiendas de los barberos, los teatros de las comedias, están llenos, fueron verdaderamente damas de carne y hueso, y de aquéllos que las celebran y celebraron?

No, por cierto, sino que las más se las fingen, por dar sujeto a sus versos y porque los tengan por enamorados y por hombres que tienen valor para serlo. Y así, bástame a mí pensar y creer que la buena de Aldonza Lorenzo es hermosa y honesta; y en lo del linaje importa poco, que no han de ir a hacer la información de él para darle algún hábito, y yo me hago cuenta que es la más alta princesa del mundo.

Porque has de saber, Sancho, si no lo sabes, que dos cosas solas incitan a amar más que otras, que son la mucha hermosura y la buena fama; y estas dos cosas se hallan consumadamente en Dulcinea, porque en ser hermosa ninguna le iguala, y en la buena fama, pocas le llegan. Y para concluir con todo, yo imagino que todo lo que digo es así, sin que sobre ni falte nada; y píntala en mi imaginación como la deseo, así en la belleza como en la principalidad, y ni la llega Elena, ni la alcanza Lucrecia, ni otra alguna de las famosas mujeres de las edades pretéritas, griega, bárbara o latina.

Y diga cada uno lo que quisiere; que si por esto fuere reprehendido de los ignorantes, no seré castigado de los rigurosos.

See, this is a post in my blog that I am going to cross-post to my account. The reply from Mastodon will appear back in my blog. This does not happen when I cross-post to my regular account. There’s something missing there. I don’t know if @manton can have a clue about it.

I am really glad that a post I published on Saturday night is still being favorited in Mastodon a day and a half later. That means that posts don’t get lost in an endless and algorithm-less timeline, but rather that they can still hang around and be picked up by new people.

One thing led me to another, while I plan the week, so I wanted to share this mix by Joumana with you. It made me happy.


Ladies and gentlemen, I give you George Sakellariou playing Take Five on the guitar.


I received a pretty compelling email, asking me for 750€ in bitcoin in order to not publish videos of me jerking off to porn. The mail describes quite thoroughly how they hacked into my devices, recorded me, and accessed my contacts. They say that if I attempt to call the police or try to find them, they’ll know because they control all my devices and they will release the footage immediately. But 750 € is quite a disappointing ransom. I’d be willing to pay much more. I deleted the email, I’ll wait for a proper shakedown.

Nina Zumel on alternative search engines

🚀 20240114 | Short Thoughts But I from all these articles, and the associated comment threads, I’ve found a lot of alternative search engines, and I tried a few. I’ve started using Startpage as my Google proxy, for more anonymity. I’ve found that the results are not the same as directly querying Google, but they are pretty good and sometimes better (less sploggy, even). DuckDuckGo and Startpage/Google are still my go-tos, but I’ve added a few more back-up engines, too:

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My Blogroll page is small and personal, but I’m happy with the gradually growing collection of websites it contains.

La tarta de ciruela de Joseba Argiñano, que he comprado esta mañana en su tienda de Zarautz, está teniendo mucho éxito. Esta bien ganar puntos a cuenta del arte de otro. Eskerrik asko, JA.

A caramelized tart topped with fresh berries and a chocolate piece, displayed on a black plate with decorative text. 
Una tarta caramelizada adornada con frutas del bosque frescas y un trozo de chocolate, presentada en un plato negro con texto decorativo.

I can’t stress enough how much I like the app Callsheet by The movie database I’ve always wanted, in a wonderful, easy to use and pretty app. No spoilers, no cheating, no adds, no BS. Just a terrific film and TV information hub. Please, do yourself a favor and check it out.

Tell me your life is sad without telling me your life is sad. I’ll go first.

I want to learn to play D&D, which should make me a proper nerd. But I don’t have friends to play with. What level of nerd does that make me.