Tira cómica diaria de Timoneda en Mastodon. Esta viñeta de hoy en particular me ha gustado mucho. Me ha hecho reír con la ruptura de la continuidad de la tira. Así que la comparto, para que podáis disfrutar de sus viñetas diarias. @timoneda@mastodon.social

Tira cómica en la que uno de los personajes, en la tercera viñeta, desgarra las separaciones entre viñetas, de forma que él mismo y su acompañante caen de la viñeta segunda a la cuarta y rompe la continuidad, provocando un efecto y un pánico actual a unos personajes del pasado que caen hacia el futuro.

Perfect Days

Director: Wim Wenders Main actor: Koji Yakusho

Movie poster. Perfect Days. With a picture of the two main characters, Hirayama and Niko

Leire and I went to the movie theatre without having read much about this movie. We both liked it. It’s nice, gentle and insightful. It’s been a very joyful couple of hours.

The pen is mightier than the keyboard. #eng

Ojos que no ven competencia que no resiente — Emilio Aparicio - In Dubio Pro Administrado

🚀 Ojos que no ven competencia que no resiente — Emilio Aparicio - In Dubio Pro Administrado Viene todo esto al caso de la reciente Sentencia del TJUE de 25-I-2024 - ECLI:EU:C:2024:71- La misma responde a diez cuestiones prejudiciales planteadas por un Tribunal de Primera Instancia de Sofia, Bulgaria, y la última de ellas, al contrario de la doctrina de la Sala Tercera del Tribunal Supremo, sí puede suponer un punto de inflexión en la forma y modo en que se determinarán las costas procesales.

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Watching Fargo, Season 5, Episode 6. I really, really hope that the golf player is one of those who, out of respect of, the story has been told exactly as it occurred.


Well, this thing about the Vision Pro did impress me

Watching MKBHD play ping pong with the Vision Pro on has impressed me. The instantaneous rendering of the real world inside the headset is really astonishing. Watch it at the 11:30 mark. #tech


Johnnie Walker Red Label is my friend for the evening. #eng

🚀 Apple is bringing sideloading and alternate app stores to the iPhone - The Verge

The big news is that third-party app stores will be allowed on iOS for the first time, breaking the Apple App Store’s position as the sole distributor of iPhone apps. The changes will arrive with iOS 17.4 in March.

Here’s how the new “alternative app marketplaces,” as Apple called them, will work. Users in the EU and on iOS 17.4 will be able to download a marketplace from that marketplace’s website. In order to be used on an iPhone, those marketplaces have to go through Apple’s approval process, and once you download one, you have to explicitly give it permission to download apps to your device. But once the marketplace is approved and on your device, you can download anything you want — including apps that violate App Store guidelines. You can even set a non-App Store marketplace as the default on your device.

More places to choose from is always good. Thanks, EU.

#tech #eng

49 urterekin erreparatu diot lehen aldiz Antton Valverderen “Maitasunez hil” abestiaren letrari. Eta, egia esan, ez dakit zer pentsatu. Ah, bai. Oh, oh, ez. Aspertzen nauzu, zoaz apaiz. Mundiala.

So long, World. I’m alive.

Todo el fin de semana trabajando y ahora intentando preparar la semana. Biba el descanso.

Ecos de una manifestación

🚀 Ecos de una manifestación Es evidente que en amplios sectores de nuestra sociedad ha existido y sigue existiendo un silencio sepulcral a la hora de arropar a las víctimas o deslegitimar la violencia de ETA, al mismo tiempo que muchos y muchas se han manifestado en favor de sus victimarios. No es tarde para expresar la solidaridad hacia ellas, es una de nuestras asignaturas pendientes. Y sigue siendo absolutamente necesario que cada uno de los miembros de esta sociedad exprese que la violencia de ETA fue injusta y cruel, ya que el resto de las violencias ya las condenamos, y hacemos bien.

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🚀 I’ll never stop blogging: it’s an itch I have to scratch – and I don’t care if it’s an outdated format | Simon Reynolds | The Guardian

I miss the inter-blog chatter of the 2000s, but in truth, connectivity was only ever part of the appeal. I’d do this even if no one read it. Blogging, for me, is the perfect format. No restrictions when it comes to length or brevity: a post can be a considered and meticulously composed 3,000-word essay, or a spurted splat of speculation or whimsy. No rules about structure or consistency of tone. A blogpost can be half-baked and barely proved: I feel _zero _responsibility to “do my research” before pontificating. Purely for my own pleasure, I do often go deep. But it’s nearer the truth to say that some posts are outcomes of rambles across the archives of the internet, byproducts of the odd information trawled up and the lateral connections created.

“Ramble” is the right word. When blogging, I can meander, take short cuts and trespass in fields where I don’t belong. Because I’m not pitching an idea to a publication or presenting my credentials as an authority, I am able to tackle subjects outside my expertise. It’s highly unlikely I could persuade a magazine to let me write an essay comparing Bob Fosse and Lenny Bruce, or find a thread connecting Fellini’s Amarcord, Wes Anderson’s The French Dispatch and Jacques Tati’s Playtime. (…)

Freedom and doing it for free go together. I’ve resisted the idea of going the Substack or newsletter route. If I were to become conscious of having a subscriber base, I’d start trying to please them. And blogging should be the opposite of work. But if it’s not compelled, blogging is compulsive: an itch I have to scratch. And for every post published, there are five that never get beyond notepad scrawls or fumes in the back of my mind

I think I have read, even shared, this piece before, but I just revisited it thanks to David Enzel and it resonated again with me, so here it goes.

#tech #eng

I attended such a nice online meeting, I’m still savoring it.

I really wish I could invite a few of you for lunch. This ground meat-red pepper-green-pepper-tomato sauce spaghetti smells quite good.

Spaghetti with tomato and meat sauce sits in an orange pot on a stove.
Español: Espaguetis con salsa de tomate y carne reposan en una olla naranja sobre una estufa.
Euskara: Tomate eta haragizko saltsa duten espagetiak laranja koloreko eltze batean daude sukaldeko plakan. #eng #nice


A metallic plate on a red base, holes and slots resembling a face.
Spanish: Una plancha metálica sobre una base roja, agujeros y ranuras que asemejan una cara.
Basque: plaka metaliko bat oinarri gorri baten gainean, aurpegia irudikatzen duten zulo eta ranurak ditu. #eng


A red plastic cut out with a face-like design.
Una pieza de plástico rojo con un diseño que parece una cara.
Plastikozko pieza gorri bat, aurpegi itxurako diseinua duena. #eng

Igual si lo digo en tres idiomas se capta el sentido de lo que quiero decir y no tengo que repetirlo. No escucho mensajes de audio de WhatsApp. Si veo que tiene menos de 30 segundos, igual me da por escucharlo varios días después, aunque lo más probable es que quede olvidado sin más. Si veo que tiene más de un minuto, paso de él por completo. Este que me acabas de enviar de 2:23 minutos, te puedes ir haciendo a la idea.

I will repeat this in three languages in the hopes that I won’t need to do it again. I don’t listen to audio messages via WhatsApp. If it’s less than 30 seconds, I might end up listening to it several days later, although it’s most likely forgotten. If it’s more than a minute, I will certainly ignore the message. This one you just sent me, which is 2 minutes and 23 seconds long, you can imagine what will happen to it.

Ea hiru hizkuntzatan errepikatzea nahikoa den. Ez ditut WhatsApp-eko audio mezuak entzuten. Mezua 30 segundu baino gutxiagokoa bada, litekeena da handik egun batzutara entzutea, baina normalean ahaztu egingo dut eta kitto. Minutu bat baino luzeagoa dela ikusten badut, kasu zipitzik ere ez diot egingo. Imagina dezakezu zer gertatu behar zaion oraintxe bidali didazun 2 minutu eta 23 segunduko mezu honi.


A stylized illustration depicts a handheld gaming console with two control buttons, a directional pad, screen, and speaker holes against a red background.
Spanish: Una ilustración estilizada muestra una consola de juegos portátil con dos botones de control, un pad direccional, pantalla y orificios para el altavoz sobre un fondo rojo.
Basque: Ilustrazio estilizatu batek bi kontrol botoi, norabide-pad bat, pantaila eta bozgorailu zuloak dituen eskuko joko-kontsola bat irudikatzen du, fondo gorri batean. A handheld game console with buttons and a screen, depicted against a blue background.
Spanish: Una consola de videojuegos portátil con botones y una pantalla, representada contra un fondo azul.
Basque: Eskuko bideojoko kontsola bat botoiekin eta pantailarekin, urdin koloreko atzeko planoaren kontra irudikatuta.

Uploading a different picture, now with @jarrod’s AI alt text shortcut inserted into a Humboldt uploading and publishing workflow.

Two mythological figures sit among clouds, one holding scales and a sword, suggesting a representation of justice.
Spanish: Dos figuras mitológicas se sientan entre nubes, una sosteniendo balanzas y una espada, sugiriendo una representación de la justicia.
Basque: Bi figura mitologiko hodeien artean eseriak daude, bat balantzak eta ezpata bat eutsiz, justiziaren irudikapena adierazten dutenak.