I can actually post from Lillihub, just as easily as micro.blog.
It shows my categories and crossposting choices. This is great.
Regarding crossposting, I noticed that it only shows the first of the feeds I have in my Account settings, and in my case is not my main feed. So I changed the order of my feeds so that the main one is the first in the list, and now Lillihub shows the correct crossposting choices for me.
Thank you so much, @loura
Want to try out a new Micro.blog web client? You’re in luck! I’d like to introduce Lillihub 🐸. It’s a delightful web app to view your timeline, make posts and keep up with conversations. You can even manage your books and bookmarks. Enjoy! 😁
Oh, dear.
I was going to say I'm burning the midnight oil but it's 4:21 already and I'm not halfway through my task yet, so I guess I'm going to be welcoming the morning lights, or whatever idiom you prefer for an all-nighter.
Read and sign the manifest on the respect for Rule of Law in Spain, statement drawn by Spanish scholars, lawyers and magistrates about the risks of the PSOE-Junts agreement for Pedro Sánchez’s presidency. Available in English. #law #lawfedi #spain #catalonia #democracy #ruleoflaw docs.google.com/forms/d/e…
The settlers look like soldiers. They come at night, but sometimes during the day, wearing army uniforms. They execute operations against Palestinians, beating us, taking our phones and smashing them to prevent us from documenting their terror. The settlers steal things from our homes and take our money. And in the end, their message is always the same: “You have 24 hours to flee, or we will shoot you.”
[…]Over the last three years, settler violence steadily increased day after day. Those of us who live in villages near the settlements know these settlers, especially the violent ones who assault and try to expel us. Four days ago, they came to my village at night. They forcibly entered my neighbor’s home and detained all the men and held them at gunpoint. Then they took them outside the house, and with an M16 gun pointed to the head of the house owner, they told him he had two options, and there wasn’t a third: “Leave or die.”
Things have never been scarier for us. We tried to call the Israeli police to tell them what their citizens are doing to us. They told us we are in a state of war, and that they are powerless to do anything. But even last year, my home was raided in the night by the IDF. They blindfolded and arrested me, terrifying my family, only to release me later without charge but with a stern warning: Stop “causing all the trouble in the area.” Since the beginning of the war to the south, settler violence has increased, but for us, it did not begin on Oct. 7.
[…]None of us are able to so much as disagree with the settlers, let alone fight back, because killing a Palestinian today is very, very easy. If anyone so much as objects to the settlers, they will shoot them immediately. The settlers tell us there is no law because we are at war, and that our land is now forbidden to us, and that it now belongs to Israel. And if we stay, we will die.
[…]There is no solution for us. In light of war and what is going on, the future is very, very bleak for us Palestinians. I don’t see a future. But even so, we are living on the hope that the conscience of the free world will change this situation, and give us a small ray of hope for the future.
This has to stop. Israel has every right to defend itself, but has no right whatsoever to illegally occupy and colonize, nor to terrorize and kill people in order to rob them off the land where they live. Shallom 🇮🇱 Salaam 🇵🇸
This guy’s Spanish accent is delightful. Unapologetic (not thad he needed to apologize) and inspirational for self-aware people like me. And the clock that he builds is astonishing. Give it a watch (not pun intended).
I live in fear of not sounding enthusiastic enough in this emphatic times.

I just bought a coffee to support @feditips@mstdn.social and you should too.
Hey there 👋
I'm an unpaid volunteer trying to help people use Mastodon and the Fediverse on five accounts and five websites.
Sadly, these cause monthly bills.
If you like what I do, buy me a coffee at:
➡️ https://ko-fi.com/fedithing
(No registration, choose any amount, all currencies work.)
...or become a patron at:
➡️ https://liberapay.com/FediThing
My sites:
Why is the latest post not appearing in Mastodon, Bluesky, and Micro.blog? It was successfully published on my blog and is visible in my RSS reader, indicating that the feed is working. However, it did not cross-post and it is not appearing in the Micro.blog timeline. It is possible that I made a mistake while making changes to the Tiny Theme, CSS, footer, or plugins. I will continue to monitor the situation.
Testing Sunlit, the iOS app for pictures by Micro.blog.
Not having the ⭐️ feedback is weird. #micro.blog #fediverse
So I migrated my mastodon account to my micro.blog account and now I don’t have a Mastodon user I can go to. This is not bad, the micro.blog timeline is infinitely more peaceful and friendly. But I do feel weird.
Ismo, the great
xkcd.com: Exoplanet High-5
You know you’ve gone too deep in the YouTube rabbit hole when you see a car with ‘6500 GPH’ plates and you think ‘I wonder if that G-Shock’s got the preset timers I’m looking for’.
I’m still confused with micro.blog and Activity Pub. I follow a guy twice in micro.blog, both his micro.blog and Mastodon accounts, thanks to Activity Pub. So I see his posts duplicated. I should follow only one of those accounts, but I don’t know which one. I’d say that his native micro.blog account should be the easy choice. But then I’d miss the whole point about Activity Pub allowing to follow people across different platforms. So I guess I’ll follow only the Mastodon account. But then I will probably miss the replies and interactions from other micro.blog users. This confuses me.
I’m watching ‘Crazy, stupid, love’ just because Corey Mylchreest and India Amarteifio said they love the movie. I don’t like Steve Carell, and I hate Ryan Gossling. But I love Corey and India.
We lost Frank. We lost, Frank.