OK. I get it now.

Advertencia de contenido: Trying how this CW works

I'm posting to Mastodon using the Content Warning option, because I want to understand how it works and how it shows in my timeline.

It’s about time to open and start doing stuff, Umerez.

If I’m doing this correctly, this should show up in my blog, in the Micro.blog timeline and in Mastodon.

One last try. Not very sure about setting up two RSS feeds in Micro.blog.

And if I set the Mastodon RSS feed correctly, this post from @ivory should show up in the blog and in Micro.blog, too. tapbots.social/@ivory

If I’m doing this correctly, this should show up in my blog, in the Micro.blog timeline and in Mastodon.

One last try. Not very sure about setting up two RSS feeds in Micro.blog.

And if I set the Mastodon RSS feed correctly, this post from @ivory should show up in the blog and in Micro.blog, too. tapbots.social/@ivory

This is me trying to QT a mastodon post in Micro.blog.Quoting @cyberdean07: esq.social/@cyberdean07/109625 (null) esq.social/@cyberdean07

If I’m doing this correctly, this should show up in my blog, in the Micro.blog timeline and in Mastodon.

One last try. Not very sure about setting up two RSS feeds in Micro.blog.

And if I set the Mastodon RSS feed correctly, this post from @ivory should show up in the blog and in Micro.blog, too. tapbots.social/@ivory

This is me trying to QT a mastodon post in Micro.blog.Quoting @cyberdean07: esq.social/@cyberdean07/109625 (null) esq.social/@cyberdean07

Great article. Among other things, I learnt that TFG could run for Speaker of the House and I almost fainted. Quoting @Teri_Kanefield: law-and-politics.online/@Teri_ law-and-politics.online/@Teri_

If I’m doing this correctly, this should show up in my blog, in the Micro.blog timeline and in Mastodon.

And if I set the Mastodon RSS feed correctly, this post from @ivory should show up in the blog and in Micro.blog, too.

Once thing is the same (I'm the same) in Mastodon and in Twitter. I can procrastinate for hours on end. Yet one thing is different: people here share knowledge more than opinion. Which leads to a less controvertial and more beneficial place.

Still, I keep procrastinating.

Datorren urtean ere Azaroaren 25eko manifestazioan egongo naiz | Gogoan-por una memoria digna

Datorren urtean ere Azaroaren 25eko manifestazioan egongo naiz | Gogoan-por una memoria digna Maite Leanizbarrutia Biritxinaga. 2002ko abenduak 6. Zoritxarrez; konzientziak esnatzen joan gaitezkeen arren, inertziak eusten, berdintasunean hezten eta diskriminazio eza lortzeko pausuak ematen, zaila egiten zaidalako emakumeen aurkako indarkeria matxistarik gabeko gizartea eta mundua imajinatzea. Eta helburu hauek lortze aldera eta mundu zuzenago batera iristeko feminismoa ezinbestekoa dela deritzot. Nire ustez borroka hau bide baketsuetatik igarota burutu behar da nahitaez, eta mugimendu feministari dagokionez horrela izaten da normalean: feministek deitutako manifestazioak baketsuak izaten dira.

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Lourdes Oñederra. Ibiltari baten egunkaritik:  Gudariak, txarangak, feminismoak

Lourdes Oñederra. Ibiltari baten egunkaritik: Gudariak, txarangak, feminismoak Fecha de publicación:: 22 de diciembre de 2022 Por: Lourdes Oñederra Galde 39, negua 2023 invierno. Lourdes Oñederra. Eguberrien aurre-girotzeko egun arraro hauetako batean kalean nabilela, txaranga alai bat dator kontrako norabidean. Goiz hotz baina eguzkitsuan badaramate dagoeneko jende mordoxka bat atzetik xaltaka. “Eusko Gudariak” ari dira jotzen. Doinu horrek, kanta horrek ez nau inoiz hunkitu, ez behintzat txikitan begi bustiak ikusten nizkien senide nagusiak hunkitzen zituen moduan.

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