
    A Wandering Mind, by @kouroshdini

    Kourosh Dini has helped me so much with OmniFocus and DEVONthink that I can thankfully say that I owe him a big chunk of my adult productive life. Yet there’s still that feeling that something is not working properly, because no matter how much I plan and review and work on my task management and document organization, work is overwhelming, tons of projects suffer big delays and the constant flow of new things to attend to feels like a non stopping flood.

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    Outlines vs. Mind Maps @MacSparky

    David Sparks on outlining vs. mind mapping: Both tools are good at taking a bunch of inputs and letting you organize them later. For me, the distinction is all about chaos and order. Specifically, where outlines are best for taking generally organized information and making it more organized, mind maps are all about taming chaos. I’m definitely an outline guy. It’s just how my brain works, linear bulleted thinking more than a visual representation of my ideas.

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    The Nonprofit Productivity Summit begins today #nonprofitsummit

    Beginning the Nonprofit Productivity Summit I joined more for the productivity side than the Nonprofit view, and mainly because of David Sparks, Mike Vardy and David Allen. Not sure about the religious point of view in the introduction, but well, I guess it’s the religious nature of the States. Best regards from secular Europe. I’m sure I’m going to learn a lot, I’ll try to share. #nonprofitsummit

    TextExpander via MacSparky

    TextExpander (Sponsor) MacSparky The beauty of TextExpander is the snippet will automatically type my assistant’s email address, press tab, put in the the same email subject line, press tab, and fill in a general template for the body of the email. The cursor is ready for me and placed right where I need to start typing the new information for the week. I use Keyboard Maestro alongside TextExpander to automate email.

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    Scrivener para abogados

    Hoy no tenía previsto escribir ningún artículo, pero me he encontrado con esta oferta: Scrivener para Mac con un 50% de descuento, y me he dicho que no puedo dejar pasar la ocasión sin recomendar este maravilloso programa. Scrivener es un programa informático inicialmente previsto para escritores, pero que me parece ideal también para abogados. Yo lo uso todos los días y es una de mis herramientas de trabajo fundamentales. Está disponible para Windows y para Mac.

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