Esteban Umerez Argaia

Español · English · Euskara

I'm a lawyer based in Bilbao, Basque Country, Spain.

On this website I share ideas, computer productivity tricks, readings and curiosities that I find out there. It is my digital corner, from which I hope to connect with more free people in this Fediverse that is beginning to take shape.

I do post some legal stuff, mainly in Spanish. I work in public procurement and other branches of administrative law (competition, compliance, sanctioning procedures, urban planning, activities, financial responsibility of the administration). Yet I don't give legal advice on this site. Should you be interested in legal counsel, please contact me here.

I've been a devoted Macsparky follower for years and I've always thought that his "Internet rascal" moniker was awesome. Suddenly, I stumbled upon this other word and found that it fit me quite well: "Internet dilettante"".

I'm not really sure of anything. I argue a lot, I learn a lot by arguing. I like cooking and baking, software and productivity tools. I want to learn to sail boats and fly planes. Skiffs and balloons will do too.

I don't like crowds or people who speak loudly, but I love chatting in small groups or one-on-one. If you feel like it, write me a note.

Feel free to look around starting from the Site plan. There's a section or category for the stuff I write in English. You can also find other ways to follow my posts.

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