There is one more question to answer: how do you start a website? I have a few recommendations.
- Read the 32-Bit Cafe “Creating Your Own Website” guide.
- Read the IndieWeb Getting Started (“Get Your Own Site”) guide
- Join a Homebrew Website Club meetup and ask how you can start building your own website.
No coding is necessary to build your own website.
What platform should I use, James? That is a personal question, but I have a few recommendations:
- Micro.blog (no coding required)
- WordPress (no coding required)
- omg.lol, a tool that has many tools to create websites that you can use with no coding experience. You can make link pages, blogs, and more!
- Neocities, a free place you can publish HTML sites. There are over 700,000 websites hosted on Neocities.
- Make your own website with plain HTML (for new coders)
- Make a website with a site generator like Eleventy (for coders who know a bit about HTML and JavaScript.
The web is yours.
We live exciting times again. And James makes excellent points to add up to the ever growing conversation: own your space in the web and come out to the world from the place you build yourself. #tech #eng