It’s in the oven already. I’m not very happy with the looks of the dough, it rose too little, but let’s hope the result is good. A couple of cuts and in it goes. 🥖🍞
And now it’ll sit there at least until I wake up from my Saturday siesta. 🥖🍞
The dough is full of air bubbles but it hasn’t risen too much. It’s time to form the bread, though, make something like a basket or a flower and turn it upside down to form a ball. 🥖🍞
Three hours in, a new fold. It’s leavening very slowly. I’m not in a hurry. 🥖🍞
Damasquinado de Toledo en marcapáginas, creado por el maestro damasquinador Oscar Martín Garrido.
I love you, guys, but laws in Tennessee are nuts. 23 days in jail for flashing some boobs in protest is completely out of any proportion.
Second fold. The dough is ready. It does not need any kneading at all. Now it’ll sit and leaven for two hours. 🥖🍞 #eng
First fold of the dough, 20 minutes later, with a few drops of olive oil both on the counter and the glass bowl. I’ll let it sit again for another 20 minutes. 🥖🍞 #eng
200g sourdough, 500g strong wheat flour, 10g salt and 300g water. That’s all it needs. First mix of the dough and I’ll let it sit for 20 minutes. 🥖🍞 #eng
200g of sourdough go to the bread, the rest I save for the next time. 🥖🍞 #eng
Sourdough bread on the way. Following Dan Lepard’s method. This is how the sourdough has leavened during the night. 🥖🍞 #eng
Saturday morning podcast. Here’s one of the 12 people around the world that know about this. Follow the podcast @emp
Grandes hallazgos.
Prueba desde Shortcut
Refrescando la masa madre para mañana 🥖🍞
I’m still looking for an interesting case I might share, if I ever dare to record a sound clip in English.
This is a great podcast. But we @gina fans want more @gina 😅