I’m no millennial and I find that obnoxious too. Unless you’re my wife, children or mother, don’t call me unannounced. Just don’t. @emp

Memory not what it used to be? TextExpander can help [Sponsor] - BrettTerpstra.com

Link to the original article Do you sometimes forget names, addresses, and other key bits of information? We all do. Create a TextExpander Snippet for it and give it a name you can easily remember, like “Business Address.” Now you can use TextExpander inline search to quickly pull up and insert that address anywhere you type. Sharing a sponsored article might not be an orthodox practice, but when it comes to TextExpander I think it’s absolutely justified to praise its benefits.

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The Vatican and the moral conundrums of AI | Financial Times

The Vatican and the moral conundrums of AI | Financial Times Towards the end of the morning, the three figureheads — the elder Sheikh bin Bayyah represented in person by his son — signed a joint covenant alongside the technology companies, known as the Rome Call. The charter proposes six ethical principles that all AI designers should live by, including making AI systems explainable, inclusive, unbiased, reproducible and requiring a human to always take responsibility for an AI-facilitated decision.

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Is Apple making a Mac Pro nobody wants? | Macworld

Is Apple making a Mac Pro nobody wants? | Macworld That’s Schiller explaining that the Mac Pro is valuable because… well, because it’s connected to the people who use Pro software a little and who use Pro software a lot, and… it’s all related, I guess? It sure seems a lot squishier when you think about it. That’s the most elegant way to call BS I’ve read in a while.

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Choque de prerrogativas entre administraciones públicas: apremio frente a inembargabilidad - delajusticia.com

Choque de prerrogativas entre administraciones públicas: apremio frente a inembargabilidad - delajusticia.com - El rincón jurídico de José Ramón Chaves En concreto, se admitió la siguiente cuestión casacional: si una entidad local puede dictar diligencia de embargo, tras el correspondiente procedimiento ejecutivo, respecto del dinero de la/s cuenta/s corriente/s de otra Administración Pública (Comunidad Autónoma) con el fin de cobrarse las deudas tributarias que esta mantiene con el Ayuntamiento; o, si, por el contrario, el dinero depositado en la cuenta bancaria de una Administración Pública goza de la prerrogativa de inembargabilidad».

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One thing I know about the State Aid regulations in the EU. They give me headaches.

Nuevo nombre, nuevos tiempos

Aprovechando que se acabó la era de Twitter, después de 15 estupendos años, y estoy empezando a hacer distintas pruebas en Mastodon, con una cuenta general en mastodon.social y otra separada para conectar con abogados internacionales en esq.social, he decidido cambiar el nombre al blog. Es probable que le imprima un cambio estético también. Trastearé con las distintas plantillas el fin de semana. Por ahora, el cambio del nombre. Siempre he identificado el blog con mi apellido, a fin de tener una identidad digital visible, pero me ha parecido buena idea dar al blog su propio nombre y dejar al autor a un lado.

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Commercial aimed to «investors with a portfolio over 500.000€». The LinkedIn algorithm nailed it.

Poe by Quora, AI chat app for iOS, endorsed by a known tech blogger, looked pretty attractive. First thing, it asked for a verifiable phone number. Big NO. It lets you opt for logging with an email address, so that’s what I did. Thankfully, I used Hide My Email. And after verifying the email address, the app asked again for a phone number. Before even showing what it does and why I might want to give them anything. Again, big NO. So that’s how my Poe experience ended. Paraphrasing TFG, SAD!

Me está gustando mucho la serie The Rig, en Amazon Prime. Muchas caras conocidas, de Line of Duty, 12 Monkeys y Game of Thrones. Supervivencia en una plataforma gasística en medio del Mar de Escocia. También conocido como allí donde Jesucristo perdió el zapato.

Listado de posts de tech tips en enero de 2023: umerez.eu/2023/02/08/165838.ht

Listado de posts de tech tips en enero de 2023

2023-01-29: Sigo con la organización del blog y el enlace con Mastodon 2023-01-07: Bloggers: Shortcut to obtain a list of your posts from last month 2023-01-04: https://art128.blog/2023/01/04/he-estado-jugando.html 2023-01-04: https://art128.blog/2023/01/04/ive-been-playing.html 2023-01-01: Shortcut to quickly post in Micro.blog

Listado de posts del blog legal en enero de 2023

2023-01-18: El ICAM es multado con 459.024 € por recomendar honorarios a sus colegiados | E&J 2023-01-16: La jurisdicción contencioso-administrativa es la última esperanza de la razón 2023-01-14: La cesión del derecho de cobro por el contratista no surte efecto hasta la aprobación de las certificaciones de obra 2023-01-14: A Revisionist History of Products Liability by Alexandra D. Lahav :: SSRN 2023-01-08: Apología de la brevedad en los escritos procesales | Estilo jurídico

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This is how I feel every time I read about US politics.

Yes, Salman Rushdie is up and running again. Life prevails, art is eternal, freedom makes us human.

I'm starting to read about the in and and every other internet quarrel else seems meaningless. My thoughts go out to our brothers and sisters.

I wear both of them at the same time, different wrists. I like the Apple Watch’s health tracking features. And I sometimes switch the Casio por an automatic Tissot. But I just love the Casio above all else. And when it comes to the alarm, the stopwatch or the count down, I always, always rely on the Casio.

Apple and Casio watches.

Pluralistic: Higher interest rates increase both the monetary supply and inflation (04 Feb 2023) – Pluralistic: Daily links from Cory Doctorow

Pluralistic: Higher interest rates increase both the monetary supply and inflation (04 Feb 2023) – Pluralistic: Daily links from Cory Doctorow You’d think that a self-styled physicist of human behavior would avail themselves of the underlying methodology of the “hard” sciences, which is to say, forming falsifiable hypotheses and then checking to see whether they were borne out by real-world outcomes. But that’s not how the neoclassicals roll – they function like the caricature of the physicist whose every inquiry begins with “imagine a perfectly spherical cow of uniform density on a frictionless plane.

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I fell in love. Marzena Diakun conducting the performance of the New World Symphony #9 by Dvorak.
