
    I don’t know, man. I have experienced some glitch every now and then, but the truth is I have amped up my Shortcut use in the last months and I’m constantly finding new ways to take advantage of this system. I have 235 shortcuts right now and I can fairly say I use 30-40 of them regularly.

    🚀 Dictation automation - All this

    Since my goal is to add entries to the index right after writing them in the notebook, I have Shortcuts get and format the date for me in the first two steps. Step 3 brings up the dictation UI and records my description of the note. Step 4 combines the date, dictated text, and a trailing linefeed into a chunk of text that Step 5 then appends to the index file. The file is named “Notebook index.txt,” and it’s stored in a folder named “personal” in the root directory of iCloud Drive. Dictation errors can be fixed in either BBEdit on my Mac or Textastic on my phone.

    I struggle with dictation and voice control. I really think that the system works well in English and it’s not so reliable in Spanish. But people like Dr. Drang or Macsparky always make me want to make dictation work. #tech

    🔗 Publish to - HeyDingus

    Publish to

    Use Apple Shortcuts to publish text to your without any frills.

    This shortcut uses the Micropub API to publish text passed into it to the default blog on your account. It’s best used as a function that is run from another shortcut.

    Take note that there is no preview of the published text with this shortcut so that it can be as streamlined as possible. Check over your post before running the shortcut, or use a preview action in whichever workflow sends text to it.

    Look, @jarrod, I did it!

    Bloggers: Shortcut to obtain a list of your posts from last month

    The goal of the Shortcut is simple: it looks for the posts you published last month in your blog and copies a list in your clipboard, with the publishing date, the title and the url in Markdown format. Ready to paste in your editor and publish. The next screenshot shows the workflow. The texts are in Spanish (my system’s language) but once installed in your devices the Shortcut should show your own language.

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    Shortcut to quickly post in

    Just made a #Shortcut menu inside my main swiss-army-shortcut-menu to quickly post in and it works :-) Sorry for the low res GIF. The video did not fit.

    Atajos para búsquedas en diccionarios

    This post is in Spanish, and it might be useful for people who are learning the language, too. Atajos para búsquedas en diccionarios. It’s a bunch of Shorcuts to perform dictionary searches for Spanish definitions and synonyms and EN-ES translations. They are all ruled by one main shortcut that it’s actually a selection menu. You need to download all of them into you Shortcuts app but you will only need to run the main menu selection.

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    Atajo para hacer búsquedas en distintos diccionarios en español e inglés (iOS y macOS)

    Comparto un atajo que me resulta muy útil para buscar en distintos diccionarios. Primero lanza un menú de selección, en el que puedo elegir el tipo de búsqueda: Definición en el Diccionario de la RAE. Sinónimos en español. Definición de palabras en inglés. Diccionario español-inglés. Diccionario inglés-español. Cada una de esas opciones lanza Safari y ofrece el resultado de la búsqueda. Para sinónimos e inglés utilizo la página de wordreference.

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    Atajo para hacer trampas al Wordle

    No lo oculto. Esto es un atajo para hacer trampas al Wordle. Hago todas las mañanas el Wordle en inglés y en español. Y, cuando tengo unas cuantas letras pero me atasco y no consigo encontrar las palabritas de marras, hago trampas. Voy a Google y busco palabras de cinco letras con las letras que ya tengo. Y como se trata de hacer trampas con elegancia y poco sudor, me he hecho un atajo.

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    Atajo (Shortcut) en el Mac para anotar una llamada en la agenda

    Animado por @jcarlosmelian, voy a compartir un pequeño truco que utilizo todos los días para apuntar una llamada en la agenda, usando la aplicación de Atajos que ya está en el sistema operativo macOS. A través de este atajo, primero se abre la libreta de contactos para elegir la persona a la que quiero llamar, luego selecciono la fecha y la hora en la que quiero/debo hacer la llamada, y automáticamente se crea un apunte en mi agenda, el día y hora señalados, con el número de teléfono a mano.

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    MacSparky and Shortcuts for Mac

    MacSparky: Put simply, Shortcuts for Mac is in limbo right now. The good news is that it is improving a lot in the betas and every sign we can see from the outside points to the fact that the Shortcuts Team is aware of these issues and working on them. My experience is being quite good. It’s true that I only use a couple of Shortcuts in Mac, but they’re quite complex (one of them finds due items in Omnifocus and sends them to my calendar; the other one runs javascript to convert numbers into letters) and they’re working fine.

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